Magia, Streghe e Pietre Preziose: Un Viaggio tra Riti e Simbolismo
Le gemme preziose sono da sempre considerate talismani magici, cariche di energia e significati esoterici. Secondo la leggenda, fu l'angelo Azazzel a insegnare agli uomini l'uso di queste pietre come...
Heliodorus gem - trends and history
Heliodor is a gemstone of great charm that fits perfectly into the jewelry trends of 2024, thanks to its splendid golden color. This heliodor stone, appreciated for its hardness and...
Let's discover the secrets of the Amethyst gem
When Bacchus saw the quartz statue and realized how disrespectful his behavior had been, he was overcome with a deep sense of remorse. As a gesture of repentance, he poured...